I love indonesia


Rabu, 15 Desember 2010



Puji syukur saya ucapkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, berkat rahmat dan karuni-Nya, makalah ini  telah selesai dikerjakan sebagai tugas kuliah Ilmu Sosial Dasar
Saya mengucapkan terimakasih kepada dosen, sumber-sumber, teman-teman kuliah yang telah membantu sehingga saya bisa mengerjakan makalah ini dengan baik. Saya percaya bahwa secara  tidak langsung kontribusi merekas sangat membantu saya dalam mengerjakan makalah ini
Selama dalam proses pembuatan mulai dari awal sampai akhir masih ada banyak kekurangan dan kesalahan dalam penyusunan maupun dari isi dari makalah, Oleh karena itu sayan masih sangat membutuhkan kritik dan saran yang bersifat membangun agar terciptanya kesempurnaan dimasa yang akan mendatang.

                                                                                         Jakarta, 23 November 2010


1.    Pendahuluan

Pengembangan pemanfaatan jaringan komunikasi sosial di pusat dan daerah adalah hal yang penting. Karena itu Dirjen Aplikasi Telematika Dep. Komunikasi dan Informatika RI mengadakan kegiatan Forum koordinasi pemanfaatan komunikasi sosial di Padang. Satu tema “Mengembangkan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Melalui Jaringan Komunikasi Sosial  untuk mewujudkan masyarakat cerdas” diangkat untuk dibahas. Dari tema ini, satu hal yang perlu diketahui adalah apa peran laman web Social Networking Software kelas Social Networking Service dalam mentransformasikan informasi menuju masyarakat yang cerdas. Paper ini dibuat untuk menjawab apa peran tersebut.

2.    Pengertian

Social networking dapat didefinisikan sebagai any set of activities that enable many to many social interactivity to take place via ICTs, whether via the Internet, mobile, PDA or any other device, kata Sharp (2005). Menurut Castilla et. al (2005), “social network” dapat didefinisikan sebagai a set of nodes or actors (person or organizations) linked by social relationships or ties of specified type. A tie or relation between actors has both strength and contents. The content might include information, advice or friendship, shared interest or membership and typically some level of trust. Sedangkan Rafaeli, Ravid dan Soroka (2004) berpendapat bahwa jaringan sosial itu seperti jaringan komputer juga. Just as cables connecting computers create a computer network, connections and relationships between people create a sosial network, kata Rafaeli, Ravid dan Soroka (2004).

Information and Communication technology (ICT) adalah teknologi elektronika yang mencakup berbagai media, seperti telepon, fax, TV dan radio. Namun pengertian ICT yang baru adalah juga mencakup internet, e-mail, computer, mobile phones, digital cameras, databases dan portals (IFAD, 2003).  Bahkan ada yang menyatakan ICT itu Internet, karena berbagai media dapat jalan di atas internet.

3.    Social Networking dalam lingkungan ICT

Jaringan sosial dalam lingkungan ICT dikenal dengan istilah Online Social networking.  Menurut Sharp (2005), Online Social Networking is gaining ground as an important global trend, for those with access to such technology, towards new networked models of social interaction that weave in, out, and around to form the very fabric of the Internet.  Dikaitkan dengan perangkat lunak yang mendukung di dalam grup, dikenal pula istilah Social networking software (SNS) (Prof. Clay Shirky di New York University dlm. Sharp, 2005).  Sedangkan Wikipedia (2005a) berpendapat : Social Networking Software is a software platform, generally open source and heavily modulated. It is used to administer a social networking service.  Sharp (2005) mengelompokkan SNS atas lima kelompok, yaitu Social Networking Service, Blogs, Wikis, Instant Messaging dan RSS Feeds (Really Simple Syndication) . Berdasarkan pengelompokan SNS yang dibuat oleh Sharp (2005), paper ini akan memfokuskan diri pada kelas pertama, yaitu Social Networking Service.

4.  Social Networking Service.

Menurut Wikipedia (2005), Social network service (SNS) itu adalah social software specifically focused on the building and verifying of social networks for whatever purpose.  Sharp (2005) mengatakan bahwa SNS itu adalah Applications that allow user to find links with people through mutual friends or acquaintances, build profiles and update address books. Seterusnya menurut (Wikipedia (2005b), terdapat tiga persoalan pengaturan yang umum pada pelayanan ini, yaitu :
·         the right of the users to continue to interact as a group even if they individually leave the service
·         the need for democratic structuring of administrative powers
·         control over any internal economy or "points" awarded in the system.
Saat ini (tahun 2005) telah dikenal lebih dari 300 social networking web sites yang telah dikenali, diantaranya yang populer adalah SixDegrees.com dan Friendster .

Tujuan dari SNS ini adalah Some help people to come together online around shared interests or causes. For example, some dating services let users post their personal profiles, location, age, gender, etc, and help them search for a partner. Similarly, some social bookmarking services allow users to post their list of bookmarks—or favorite websites—for others to search and view, so that they can locate resources identified by others who share the same interests as useful (Wikipedia, 2005b). Contoh dari SNS web site ini adalah Friendster, Orkut, Linkedln, Ryze, Tribe, Match, Groove, Grouper, imeem, Qnext dan WiredReach

5.            Peranan SNS dalam Transformasi Informasi

Menurut Wikipedia (2005c), SixDegrees.com berkemampuan untuk allowed users to list friends, family members and acquaintances both on the site and externally; external contacts were invited to join the site. Users could send messages and post bulletin board items to people in their first, second, and third degrees, and see their connection to any other user on the site. Pada Friendster, SNS itu berperan sebagai :
  1. Find old classmates and co-workers.
  2. Provide an easy way for your friends to find your blog
  3. Share photos with your friends.
  4. Never forget your friends’birthdays or lose their contact information.
  5. Check your friend compatibility on any given day using joint horoscopes.
  6. See your relationship to any member on Friendster. Allowing you to safely meet people through your friends.
Lihat gambar 1 peran dari Friendster dalam transformasi informasi. Fungsi-fungsi lain dari Friendster dapat dilihat pada gambar 3 s/d gambar 6.

Gambar 1 : Fungsi-fungsi Friendster dalam transformasi informasi.

Gambar 2 : Fungsi profile Friendster.

Gambar 3 : Fungsi bLogs Friendster : Upload foto, meet new friends, allows others to post comments to your blog for you and your friends to read dan link you’re your blog to your web site, email and discussion board.

Gambar 4 : Fungsi Photos Friendster : browse file on your computer, select the photo you want to add and upload it to your friendster profile.
Gambar 5 : Fungsi Groups Friendster : join pulic groups, create your own private group, receive group notifications, participate on discussions, organize events and stay connected.

Gambar 6 : Fungsi discussions Friendster : create your own discussions, add your comments to wxisting discussions, view all the posts made by a friend no matter what discussion they’ve joined, filter posts by user, rate topics and display the posts of discussion either by all or by tree view.
6.            Penutup

Dari apa yang telah diungkapkan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa peran Laman Web SNS Kelas Social Networking Service dalam Transformasi Informasi Menuju Masyarakat yang Cerdas adalah sebagai berikut :
  1. Find old classmates and co-workers.
  2. Provide an easy way for your friends to find your blog
  3. Share photos with your friends.
  4. Never forget your friends’birthdays or lose their contact information.
  5. Check your friend compatibility on any given day using joint horoscopes.
  6. See your relationship to any member on Friendster. Allowing you to safely meet people through your friends.
Secara lengkap fungsi-fungsi yang ada mencakup fungsi profile;  Fungsi bLogs : Upload foto, meet new friends, allows others to post comments to your blog for you and your friends to read dan link you’re your blog ti your web site, email and discussion board;  Fungsi Photos : browse file on your computer, select the photo you want to add and upload it to your friendster profile;  Fungsi Groups : join pulic groups, create your own private group, receive group notifications, participate on discussions, organize events and stay connected;  Fungsi discussions : create your own discussions, add your comments to wxisting discussions, view all the posts made by a friend no matter what discussion they’ve joined, filter posts by user, rate topics and display the posts of discussion either by all or by tree view.

7.            Daftar Pustaka

IFAD (2003). The Role Of ICT. World Summit on the Information Society. Genewa. 2003.

Castilla, Emilio J; Hwang, Hokyu; Granovetter, Ellen dan  Granovetter, Mark (2005). “Social Networks in Silicon Valley”.

Rafaeli, Ravid dan Soroka (2004). De-lurking in Virtual Community. Hawai Internation conference on System Sciences.

Sharp, Darren (2005). Social networks.  Smart Internet 2010. Swinburne University of Technology.

Wikipedia (2005a). “Social Networking Software”. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Networking_Software

Wikipedia (2005b). “Social Network Service” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Networking_ Service

Wikipedia (2005c). “SixDegrees.com” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ SixDegrees_com

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